God Encounter: A quest for God

Like many, I grew up in a Christian home and was taught to believe because my parents believed. Faith was handed down like an heirloom, and I accepted it without question. As I grew older, I have had moments of doubt, and times when I wondered if my faith was genuine, or merely a cultural inheritance? I’ve faced pivotal moments where I grappled with these questions.

“So the LORD must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion.
For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help.”
Isaiah 30:18 NLT

I have never shied away from sharing my thoughts on faith, spirituality, and the search for meaning. One day, a friend asked me two questions:

  1. How can anyone truly experience God?

His question lingered, echoing in my mind. I realized that my faith had been largely theoretical – a set of beliefs handed down – rather than a personal encounter with the divine. And so, I embarked on a quest to experience God for myself, and encounter him I did. My experience was unique and I am sure, yours will definitely be too.

Today, want to share some practical ways we encounter God including:
Prayer: I began to pray earnestly, not just reciting words, but pouring out my heart. I discovered that prayer was a two-way conversation – a way to connect with God and listen for His voice.
Scriptures: The Bible became my guidebook. I read it daily, seeking wisdom, comfort, and revelation. The stories of encounters with God – Moses at the burning bush, Paul on the road to Damascus – inspired me.
Meditation: Beyond reading, I meditated on God’s truth. I pondered His promises, His love, and His character. In those quiet moments, I felt His presence.
Journaling: Writing down my thoughts, prayers, and reflections helped me track my spiritual journey. It was like building a bridge between my heart and God’s.
Fasting: Occasionally, I fasted – setting aside physical needs to focus on the spiritual. During those times, I sensed God’s closeness more intensely.

Others have encountered God in various ways:

Divine Encounters: Visions, dreams, or moments of intense presence leave lasting impressions.
Changed Lives: Healing, transformation, and character shifts testify to God’s work.
Inner Peace: A profound sense of peace reassures believers.
Answers to Prayer: Unexpected answers reinforce faith.
Community: Relationships deepen our connection with God.

Christianity like most religions and cults asks you to believe by faith.
What sets us apart?

One major difference is that Christ chose to die for our sins, even though He was under no obligation to do so. This act of selfless love is summarized in the following scripture:

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” – Romans 5:8

Christianity vs. Cults: Other Differences

Christianity holds consistent beliefs rooted in the Bible, while cults often diverge from orthodox Christian teachings.
Cults have charismatic leaders who demand obedience, whereas Christianity centers on Christ.
Christianity emphasizes salvation through faith in Jesus, while cults may lead followers astray.

My journey continues. I’ve glimpsed God’s presence in quiet moments, felt His guidance, and seen lives transformed. Faith is no longer inherited; it’s a daily encounter. So, whether you’re a skeptic or a seeker, take practical steps, discern truth, and open your heart to experience God for yourself.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for your boundless grace and compassion. As Isaiah 30:18 reminds us, you long to be gracious to us and show us your mercy. We are humbled by the sacrifice of Christ, who died for our sins out of pure love, even though He did not have to.

Lord, I pray that the person reading this will have an encounter with you and get a glimpse of who you are. May they come to know your love and compassion deeply, so that they may experience the transformative power of your presence in their life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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